coolMANUAL - Bob the Genius

Bob the Genius

“I dit it! I fucking built a time machine!”

Coolman and the Stolen Spaceship (Book 4)

Bob the Genius is an astronaut at the Castle Desert Spaceport. With thick glasses and a goatee, his appearance suits his personality as a nerdy technician, the only one capable of repairing advanced engineering equipment and estimating the possible outcome of a mission (which is often close to disaster). He is also fond of inventing stuff – sometimes too much. Let’s hope that he doesn’t end up screwing up the space-time continuum at some point…

According to Bazooka Bill, Bob is not very cool. Bob lives in a barn with his mom and he doesn’t like to party.

But at least Mom brings him cookies. She even lets him keep that inflatable doll, he has lying around for “scientific purposes”.

Books with Bob the Genius