Let’s Go!
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- Great deals on new releases!
- News about the project
- Deals on Coolman merchandise (up to 60 % off)!

The Coolman Series
Fast and silly books inspired by ’80s action movies
Enjoy a quick and entertaining ode to ’80s action movies. The Coolman series packs cringy but unforgettable one-liners into bite-sized reads. You can tell it’s written by a guy who loves the ’80s, is from the ’80s, and isn’t too ceremonious to admit that he really is just some guy-dude.
The purpose of the newsletter is to get you started on your journey – and to inject a bit of fun into your inbox.
Expect a newsletter once a month or so.

I’m All Set – Let’s Go!
Don’t miss the Action on Social Media
If you want some extra action, remember that Sam Guydude is present on these platforms: