“Get away from me, you foolish apparatchik. I can’t take any more of this. Everywhere you go, there’s mayhem.”
Coolman and the Pink Invasion (Book 2)
Mrs. Brown is a friendly old lady who lives in a better part of Beam City. With big glasses, gray hair, and surprisingly fast legs, she resembles most pensioners who stay fit and alert by keeping vigilant eyes on everything around them for roughly 24 hours a day.
Surprisingly, at least according to her neighbor, Coolman, she loves the loud noise of car engines, techno music, and gunshots. It gets her out on the porch, waving, and it draws her to the window at night.
Oh, there’s no such thing as a pensionist to keep the neighborhood safe. If only Triggerland had more Mrs. Browns, the country would be the loveliest place on earth.
Books with Mrs. Brown
- Coolman and the Evil Drug Lord (Book 1)
- Coolman and the Pink Invasion (Book 2)
- Coolman and the Stolen Spaceship (Book 4)