He was a North Carolinian afraid of adventures. He ended up on an epic journey, trying to solve a mystery.
Michael’s girlfriend has disappeared without a trace. One day, she was talking his ears off; a few days later, no one has heard from her.
Was there a criminal act behind it? Or was she just tired of her life and left? The questions quickly become irrelevant as Michael discovers how silent—and delightful—things are without his babbling partner around.
But gradually, the silence becomes suffocating, and Michael realizes he has a responsibility to investigate things further. He must face his worst fear: venturing out into the world and talking to other people, a journey that takes him from the peaceful Cary to one of the most frantic places in the country.
More about the Book
Humanatee is a humorous mystery inspired by personal tales and the ludicrous time we’re living in. A laidback, satirical ride aiming to provide a few laughs and reignite your adventurous side. Written by the author of the Coolman series, Sam Guydude, who has a master’s degree in languages and literature and an evergrowing passion for satire.
- Cozy Mystery
- Helpful Animals
- Amateur Sleuth
- Sweet and Wholesome
- A Cute Love Story
Book Cover

Book Details
- Title: Humanatee – A North Carolina Cozy Mystery
- Author: Sam Guydude
- Published: 2023
- Versions:
- ISBN 978-87-94351-03-4 (E-Book edition)
- ISBN 978-87-94351-22-5 (Paperback edition)
- ISBN 978-87-94351-23-2 (Hardcover edition)
- Chapters: 20
- Genre: Cozy Mystery, Romance, Humor, Comedy, Satire
- Target Audience: Awesome people
- Tagline: Squawk!
- Main Characters: Michael, Katherine, Brian, Purrseus