coolMANUAL - Peter


“If only Wanda hadn’t left me things would be different.”

Coolman and the Evil Drug Lord (Book 1)

Peter is a friendly dude who loves ’80s movies and dandelions. He despises violence and doesn’t drink beer, which makes it pretty surprising that he supports the Geeked Gangsters by buying their cocaine and devouring it like candy.

But people are complex, right? Perhaps too complex, thought Wanda, who was Peter’s ex – and the primary reason he became an addict. He couldn’t live without her and the cocaine soothed the pain.

Luckily, he has his best friend, Coolman, to help him out when shit hits the fan. Their friendship goes a long way back, and though Coolman doesn’t like to admit it, the careful and scrawny Peter actually makes him a better person by challenging his views on death and destruction.

Peter has a light voice, a Fu Manchu mustache, and a ponytail. A cool look, everyone would say, but sadly Wanda didn’t think so. “I hope you die, you ugly bastard,” were her last words. What an evil woman.

And of course, Peter won’t die. He’s Coolman’s best friend, the pivotal point of the entire universe. If something happened to him, it sure would start a series of crazy events.

Books with Peter

Songs with Peter

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