coolMANUAL - Killer Three

Killer Three

“Still need to find the killer in you, though. But . . . I guess it can wait.”

Coolman and the Secret Assassin (Book 3)

Killer Three is a present from Bazooka Bill to Coolman and Amanda. A sweet little Chihuahua that sure needs some training to become an efficient killing machine – as Coolman prefers his dogs. The dog loves flowers, loves sitting on Coolman’s chest and generally just enjoys being with its owners. It’s friendly towards strangers. It gets scared of threats.

Heck, what am I saying? This doesn’t sound like a dog Coolman could ever be proud of. But somehow he is. And somehow he knows that Killer Three will step in when he needs it the most.

I guess, we’ll see about that.

Books with Killer Three

Songs with Killer Three

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