coolMANUAL - Peter the Labrador

Peter the Labrador

“We haven’t named her yet. We wanted to wait until we were up there. It’s sort of a tradition.”

Coolman and the Stolen Spaceship (Book 4)

Peter the Labrador is a space cadet from the spaceport in Castle Desert. Waiting for its first mission, the sweet creature catches Coolman’s attention as he watches the astronauts pack for a crucial mission. The dog still has no name, but Coolman has a suggestion. If he can help the dog become a crime fighter and kill bad guys, there’s a pretty obvious name on his lips.

But things don’t always go as Coolman plans. This female Labrador will wind up with the name Peter.

Weird, right? Take a trip with the Penetrator and find out how that happens (book 4).

Books with Peter the Labrador

Songs with Peter the Labrador

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