There’s only one thing my little boys love more than Ninjago: doing Ninjago tricks on me. It means that my everyday life is filled with little creatures leaping out from every corner with plastic swords, launching their coordinated attacks. Together, mind you, and that’s something a parent can be proud of. When they’re there, hacking away at my shins and actually working together for once, I get a glimpse of hope for a future where they can enjoy each other’s company. A future without my shins, of course, but you can’t have it all, can you?
And fortunately, I have my books. If I manage to shield my head from the invading mini-warriors, I always have that to fall back on.
Speaking of books, do you remember the secret project I mentioned last time? I have a little teaser ready. I’m in the process of illustrating the cover for a brand-new book that’s not part of the Coolman series. I’ve made significant progress with the manuscript, and soon I’ll be able to share much more.
See what I’m working on here:

But now it’s about the biggest news. The next book I’m releasing is Coolman 5. And I can also reveal a cover and a title. The book will be called “Coolman and the Time Mission,” and yes, we’ll be traveling back in time. It’ll be crazy and dangerous and, above all, fun. There will be dinosaur chases and explosions. Semi-idiotic discussions about the space-time continuum. And an old enemy will return, stronger than ever.
The cover is illustrated by Deepak Singh, who has created all the covers for the Coolman books. He absolutely nailed it with this one:

And there’s a bit of news from the blogosphere as well. Since our last update, I’ve published the following posts, where I express my gratitude to two individuals who have meant something special on my journey. Also, if you’re into workplace anecdotes, I think you should check out “Sip or Surrender.” It’s a true story that attempts to capture that peculiar initial period you always have at a new job.
- Am I Living in a Box? A Futile Attempt to Think Outside of the Box
- People Who Make a Difference: Omar Alfonzo (Orufonzo)
- People Who Make a Difference: Piper Collins
- Write for Yourself
- Sip or Surrender. A story about surviving the first days at a new job
That’s it for now. Enjoy until we meet again.
Warm regards,
The man with sore shins.