Encyclopedia of Triggerland and its citizens
Congratulations! You just found the coolMANUAL where you can enjoy a complete description of every character, location, and concept in the Coolman series – with new funny details, of course!
Characters and People
- Amanda
- Badude Brown
- Bazooka Bill
- Bella Betrayer
- Bob the Genius
- Chief, The
- Coolman
- Doctor Drugdem
- Dynamite Daisy
- Geeked Gangsters, The
- Grace (Peter’s Mom)
- Heather Heartbreaker
- Killer
- Killer Two
- Killer Three
- Peter the Labrador
- Killer Five
- Killer Six
- Kimmy Kalm
- Lars Lemming
- Madam President
- Mr. Gaffer
- Mrs. Brown
- Moose, The
- Gangster President, The
- Peter
- Selene – Mysterious Wood Lady
- Sheep Man
- Short Man Johnson
- Short Man No Johnson
- Wanda – Peter’s wife
Objects and Concepts
- Camaro
- Dolus, The
- Dominator Project, The
- Doomsday Revolver, The
- Motorcycle Shops
- Music Themes for the Books
- Penetrator, The
- Pink-Eye
- Pop Songs Coolman Loves
- Secret Police Drills
Places and Locations
- Appletown
- Beam City
- Beam City Zoo
- Blue Bird Mountains
- Blue Heavens
- Callahan Meadows
- Castle Desert
- Fort Rock
- Grabstein Mine
- Greenhorn Cemetery
- Jim’s Well-Roasted Biscuits
- Launderbucks
- Moshing Creek
- Mount Ripley
- Mr. Dicman’s Sour Candy
- Octagon Desert
- Richmond Wood
- Ringtail City
- The Siren
- Sullen Harbor
- Trifletown
- Triggerland
- Wetmark
- White Rock